To support and strengthen those who are sick, the Church gathers to pray and anoint those who are ailing with the healing oil of the sick. This oil symbolizes the presence of God at a time of great physical and emotional need and assures the recipient of God's love and healing presence.
The Sacrament of the Sick is available at anytime upon request by calling the rectory. This sacrament should be received prior to hospitalization (if possible), while hospitalized, for the homebound, for the dying, or whenever healing is needed. Families should not wait until someone is on the verge of death to contact a priest. Anyone who is seriously ill, has a chronic illness, or is going to have major surgery should be anointed.
Communion / Sick Calls
When any member of your family becomes ill or is confined to the home and unable to come to the Celebration of the Eucharist, please contact the parish office so that arrangements can be made for Communion to be brought to the house.