Parish members provide religious instruction to the children of our parish (classes K - 8th grade). They help provide the foundation of our Catholic faith and preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation under the spiritual direction of our religious staff.
Our Lady of Fatima Devotional Group
Parishioners who engage in daily prayer to God through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary for the sick, the repose of the souls of deceased loved ones and friends, and special intentions through participation in Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, novenas, rosary recitation, and daily Zoom prayer sessions. For more information, please contact Anne Marie Abad via text at 973-931-4882.
Prayer Line
Parish members who commit to praying daily for intentions requested by fellow parishioners. There are no meetings. This ministry can be done at home.
Women of Faith
Women who share their faith and stories through prayer, spiritual readings and videos, and discussion. Meetings are usually every other Thursday, except during Advent and Lent when they are weekly.