Altar Servers
Children in Grade 4 or higher who have received First Holy Communion are invited to participate in this ministry. Servers assist the priest at the celebration of the Eucharist.
Choir - Children
The "Choristers" are children from Grades 3-8 who serve the parish community by sharing their love for singing. Rehearsals are held weekly in the church.
Parish members who proclaim the Word of God at liturgical celebrations. Training is provided.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parish members assist in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass and bring the Eucharist to homebound members of the congregation, to residents of the local nursing facility (Sundays), and to patients at Chilton Hospital (Thursdays). Training is required prior to commissioning.
The men and women of our parish who act as ministers of hospitality are responsible for seating members of the congregation at Mass and facilitating the collection of gifts offered by the community.
Power Point Mass Team
Parish members operate the laptop that projects PowerPoint slides onto the viewing screens to aid in Mass participation.